一. 工作宗旨:
中非经济贸易工作委员会旨在践行“一带一路”倡议,进一步拓宽对外贸易渠道,加强中国与非洲各国经济活动交流,推动优进优出,带动中国与非洲 国家在装备、技术、标准、服务上的交流与合作, 为“一带一路”沿线国家之间的 经贸往来和配套体系建设提供优质服务
二. 工作范围:
中非经济贸易工作委员会的工作范围包括为企业提供海外合作的咨询服务, 为政府和企业提供贸易或投资项目对接,针对中资企业、国际组织、非政府 组织等单位开展投资融资、招商宣传、咨询公关、商贸营销等服务, 组织商务论坛和商务考察等。
The is established in Beijing under the Ministry of Civil Affairs’ approval of the People's Republic of China in March 1991. It is a national-wide social organization consists of Chinese experts, scholars, and CEOs specializing in theoretical and practical research on market circulation, marketing, management, and law. The association is under the guidance of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. And the China-Africa Economic and Trade working Committee is founded under the Chinese Association of Market Development’s approval.
The China-Africa Economic and Trade working Committee mainly focuses on providing consulting services on overseas cooperation for Chinese enterprises, bridging the government and enterprises in terms of trade and investment, conducting services including acquisition, financing, promotion, public relations, and promotion, organizing business forums and trips for Chinese-funded enterprises, IGOs, and NGOs.